photo by Joe Mazza and Brave Lux

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Send in the Dog

Part of 31 Plays in 31 Days.                        
            Send in the Dog
            By Jacob Juntunen
(JACK sits typing on a laptop, desk covered in papers which he is collating into piles. JILL enters.)
Can you believe this weather? In November?
Nicest day of the year and I can’t get this stuff into any kind of order. There’s something about a deadline that makes good work impossible.
(holding up a leash) Well, you know who sent me in here.
The dog did not send you in here.
He suggested we do that loop around Seth Falls.
If I can’t get my tenure portfolio into some sort of shape, I’m going to be out of a job.
You’ll get it.
After the publisher pushed back the publication date on my book? I’m hanging by a thread and if I fuck up this portfolio, that’s it. I’ll have to go back on the job market, and even if I find another job, we’ll have to move again. If we have to pay for that, so much for Jimmy’s private school.
But I made us a picnic. You have to eat. We can just go out to Harvest Point and—
Getting out to Harvest Point will take at least a couple hours. How about I take a break around 1 and we can eat the picnic in the yard together?
A little exercise will help you get some sleep tonight. You need to be fresh for the tenure interview.
Finishing this before 2am will help me sleep.
It’s not even noon.
And I’ve got a lot to do.
How many chances do we get at a day like this?
More than chances for tenure.
What are we going to say to Jimmy when the dog dies?
The dog’s fine.
He’s turning 13 next week.
He’s still got tons of energy, he swims on our hikes.
It’s six months until spring. Six months is a long time for a dog. How many more days like this are we going to get before then?
If I don’t get tenure, we can’t keep our son in private school.
You’ve been here five years. They know you. They know your work. They know your book is coming out, it’s just a little late. You can sit and obsess and probably over think all this and mess it up, or you can come out with me and the dog, enjoy the day, clear your head, and do better work.
I don’t have time today to just get out there and enjoy things, okay? There’s too much on the line.
When you feel like you don’t have enough time is when you need to get out there most. To get your perspective right. They know you’re good at your job. You need to relax and you’ll get this done. Come for a hike, you’ll see. Hike for a couple hours with me and the dog, have a little picnic, and then we pick up Jimmy from school— After that, the portfolio will just write itself. And I’ll help you if it doesn’t.
Give me the leash.

Jacob is head of playwriting at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. 
Read his full lengths

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